Youth and Political Participation: The Case of Dicle University

Mehmet Mazhar Yıldız
Dicle University


The study, entitled as “Youth and Political Participation: The Case of Dicle University” aims to inquire into political tendencies of university youths, their political participation, participation level and types of participation thoughts about political institutions, their levels of political participation.


The exposed data in this study is obtained from the field-work with surveys. The surveys are applied to 380 students, at the ten faculties which are selected with random sample method from Dicle University. The impact of independent variables - the level of family’s income and mother/father’s education and profession- on dependent variables -the political participation value- is examined.


The study consists of four chapters. The first chapter gives the theoretical framework and explains such concepts as youth and university youth, political participation in addition to preliminary knowledge on ‘youth movement’. In the second chapter importance of the study explained. The third chapter discussed data that obtained from the field-work. The final chapter included conclusion and evaluation.

How to cite this book

Yıldız, M. M. (2023). Youth and Political Participation: The Case of Dicle University. Özgür Publications. DOI:



May 10, 2023

