How Does Digital Game Addiction Affect Our Lives?
The aim of this research was to investigate digital game addiction profile and its impact on Turkish Faculty of Sports Sciences college students in terms of their academic achievements. This study was conducted based on the data obtained from 1162 students studying in the Faculty of Sports Sciences and School of Physical Eduation and Sports at various universities in Turkey. Qualitative interviews were carried out with 20 people among the students who were picked out after being identified to have digital game addiction through quantitative data analysis. Explanatory Sequential/ Sequential Qualitative --> Quantitative” mixed method research design in which the qualitative and quantitative combined methods were applied. The semi-structured interview which was developed by the researcher and the “Digital game addiction scale”, which has got high validity and reliability and was developed by Lemmens et al. (2012), and the Turkish validity and reliability study of which was made by Hazar and Hazar (2019) later, were used. Cronbach’s Alpha test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test, and parametric or non-parametric tests were administered in order to identify the reliability of the scale form used. Frequency and percentage analyses were conducted for the analysis of the socio-demographic features. Crosstab and chi square analyses were used for percentage comparisons. In addition to that, Independent t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were administered for the comparisons between groups. The Tukey HSD test was used to identify the groups having differences as a result of the ANOVA. Additionally, a correlation analysis was conducted to identify correlations between the variables. On the other hand, content analysis was used for the analysis of qualitative data. By transferring the transcriptions into the MAXQDA20 program, transcriptions were completed. Significant differences were found statistically as p<0.05 in general point average (academic achievement) and in total point of digital game addiction according to the possession of a digital game device when the quantitative data result of the study was examined. Significant differences were found statistically on the level of p<0.05 based on the gender in terms of general point average (academic achievement) and total point of digital game addiction. It was observed that as the level of income increases, digital game addiction and academic achievement increase. It was identified that the participants who spend their free time playing digital games have the highest digital game addiction levels and those who spend their free time reading books have the lowest scores of digital game addiction. As the duration of playing games increases, academic achievement scores decrease. Digital game addiction contact consists of 48 codes and four categories, psychological and emotional impacts, impacts on academic development, physiological impact, and social impacts when the qualitative data result of the study was examined. In conclusion, the students of the Faculty of Sport Sciences have joined in activities such as playing digital games, reading books, scrolling on social media, and watching TV in order to avoid global pandemics, group of friends, family-related problems, and their daily problems when the findings of both qualitative and quantitative data were examined. The enjoyment and fun of playing digital games have caused to increase in the time spent. It transformed into addiction over time. Playing games that lead to addiction, become a compulsion anymore. This process caused deformation in individuals in terms of psychology, physiology, social, and academics. The increase in the duration of playing digital games for participants caused a dropdown in academic achievements.
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