Sports Research in the Digital Age II

Fatih Kıyıcı (ed)
Atatürk University
Yunus Sinan Biricik (ed)
Atatürk University
Vahdet Alaeddinoğlu (ed)
Atatürk University


Dear readers, today we are here with a book on "Digital Technology and Sports Relations". Today, the effects of digital technology on sports fields are very important and diverse. In this book, we will present how digital technology is integrated with technology into valuable titles and contents that we will encounter in all areas of sports. This book, which we brought together with its readers, was created with scientific concerns and original sources of literature. The opening chapter of our book was created through artificial intelligence. This is one of the highlights of our book in terms of seeing how far the reference sources of scientists can go in the future and how artificial intelligence literacy will gain value as well as being a very important phenomenon.

Especially if we look at the titles of the articles written by valuable authors for each chapter of our book, the chapter authored by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serhat Özbay and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Süleyman Ulupınar includes the topic of "Running Exercises and Performance Analysis through Mobile Applications". In the article written by our other chapter authors Şükran Dertli and Muhammed Emin Dertli, a different discipline of the sports phenomenon was included with the title "Metavers and Industry 4.0 and Nutrition in Sports". In another section, Dr. Davut Budak conducted an interesting research on the Future of Tourism and Sports. Again, Dr. Buket Sevindik Aktaş, one of our researchers, took into consideration how a sports branch interacts with technology with the title of Ski Alpine Discipline and Technology. Again, our researchers Dr. Muhammed Fatih Alaeddinoğlu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sertaç Erciş and Dr. Haluk Sivrikaya revealed how the phenomenon of "Metavers and Sports" will have an innovation in the future and how it will change with the interaction in the field. Prof. Dr. Gökhan Atasever, on the other hand, has signed one of the most enjoyable and one of the biggest research topics in the future with the title "Preparation Period Periotting and Technology in Football".

In this context, which concepts will position sports in the future and what opportunities digital technologies will offer to sports players, spectators and managers are closely related to how technology is perceived by us sports scientists. It is one of the focal points of sports science to reveal how a phenomenon that learns from human beings and develops depending on human beings interacts with an entity that has human beings at its center and is constantly changing, and to determine its boundaries. In this context, we can understand the answers to the question of how the concept of digital technology and sports interact with each other from the following concept headings.

This Concept Titles;  

  1. Impact of Digital Technology on Sport:

Data Analysis and Performance Improvement: Thanks to sensors, wearables and software used for tracking and analyzing athletes, coaches and athletes can work more focused and targeted. For example, GPS trackers make it possible to monitor athletes' movements and assess their fatigue levels.

Spectator Experience: Digital technology has transformed the sports viewing experience. Technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) offer the opportunity to watch practical matches from a different perspective. In addition, social media platforms allow fans to build a closer relationship with their teams and receive instant information about matches.

  1. E-Sports and Digital Technology:

Rising Trend: E-Sports: E-Sports is one of the reflections of digital technology in the field of sports. This field, which can be set as professional-level competitions of competitive video games, is rapidly growing in popularity among gamers. E-Sports events are reaching large audiences and generating large prize pools.

Live Streaming and Accessibility: E-Sports events are broadcast live on online platforms, reaching viewers of all ages. Thanks to digital platforms, anyone can access these events from anywhere, which increases the number of presentations.


  1. Digital Technology and Innovation:

Sports Education and Simulations: Digital technology is used in sports training. Thanks to virtual simulations, athletes can train and participate in various scenarios without taking risks.

Innovative Sports Equipment: Innovations such as 3D printing technology have transformed the design and production of sports equipment. This has made it possible to make it lighter, more durable and customizable.

  1. Ethical and Security Issues:

Data Privacy and Security: Wearable devices and apps collect users' personal health and movement. How this is industrialized and protected is an important issue for data privacy and security.

Technology in Anti-Doping: Digital technology can cause both positives and negatives in the fight against doping. Just as there is a risk of developing new doping methods, it is also possible that these technologies could be used for doping control.



The relationship between digital technology and sport has transformed the divergence of the sporting world. Technological influences in data analysis, e-sports, advanced fields are seen. However, this relationship also brings with it ethical and security policies. The important thing is to stick to ethical and safety policies for the development and popularization of daily sport.

In this book, we try to address the issue of "Digital Technology and Sport Relations" in general terms. We hope that we have been able to provide enjoyable reading and useful information to sports science and the sports world.


How to cite this book

Kıyıcı, F. & Biricik, Y. S. & Alaeddinoğlu, V. (eds.) (2023). Sports Research in the Digital Age II. Özgür Publications. DOI:



September 14, 2023

