Creativity in Music Performance: Where is The Artificial Intelligence in That?
Chapter from the book: Kaptan, M. (ed.) 2023. Current Topics and Research on Fine Arts.

Alper Börekçi
Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University
Onur Sevli
Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University


The creative process of musical performance has long been the subject of various debates. In recent years, the scientific definition of this process has been discussed in more detail with the contributions of researchers from various disciplines. Especially the impact of technological developments on musical performance stands out as an important perspective. This study aims to comprehensively evaluate the contributions of artificial intelligence technologies in the creation process of musical performance and the effect of the use of these technologies on the originality of musicians in the context of the studies conducted. In the research, the literature was searched in various databases with different combinations of keywords "music, creativity, and artificial intelligence", and the qualified studies that support the main thesis of the study were analyzed in depth. With this study, it has been seen that artificial intelligence technologies provide various advantages in the creative process of musical performance. In particular, artificial intelligence-based music production offers the potential to achieve fast and impressive results and gives musicians the opportunity to make new discoveries in creativity. However, there are some concerns and criticisms about the impact of AI on the creative process of musical performance. Concepts such as originality and human sensitivity raise concerns that AI technologies may cause musicians to lose their unique forms of expression. In conclusion, it is seen that artificial intelligence technologies make important contributions to the creative process of musical performance and have the potential to support musicians' originality. However, it should not be forgotten that using these technologies requires balance and caution. In the future, it is important to conduct more research that incorporates interdisciplinary perspectives in order to reveal the interaction between artificial intelligence and musical performance from a scientific perspective.

How to cite this book

Börekçi, A. & Sevli, O. (2023). Creativity in Music Performance: Where is The Artificial Intelligence in That?. In: Kaptan, M. (ed.), Current Topics and Research on Fine Arts. Özgür Publications. DOI:



October 21, 2023

