Current Researches in Health Sciences-IV
Dear readers;
The Current Research in Health Sciences-IV book contains valuable scientific studies written according to certain criteria and included in 9 chapters in total. The book begins with the chapter “Mechanism of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors”, which describes the basic life cycle of HIV. This is followed by the “Role of TRPV1 channel in Migraine: Current Overview” section, which discusses a therapeutic approach as a pharmacological target in the treatment of migraine, one of the most common chronic neurovascular diseases worldwide. Cancer is the second most common cause of death worldwide after cardiovascular diseases. The study titled "The Effect of Antioxidant Foods on Cancer Prevention", which discusses the effects of antioxidant foods on preventing cancer, takes its place in the third chapter of the book. In the next section, there is a study titled "Determination of Some Antioxidant Activities in Fruits of Noni (Morinda citrifolia), Food Supplement Mixture Containing Vitamin B3, Zinc, Vitamin B1, Coenzyme Q10 and Chromium", which includes the antioxidant values of noni fruit. Heavy metals, which are widely used in daily life and industry, pose significant risks to human health even in trace amounts. This risk increases depending on the dose and duration of exposure, and may even lead to the development of tumors and cancer. The book continues with studies titled "The Effect of Some Heavy Metals (Cobalt and Cadmium) on Biochemical Events" and "Physical Chemical Properties of Some Heavy Metals (Arsenic, Lead and Copper) and Their Effects on Health". Effects of heavy metals cobalt, cadmium, arsenic, lead and copper on human health. The seventh chapter of the book includes a study titled "Some Textile Dyes (Methylene Blue, Malahat Green and Crystal Violet) and Their Effects on Health", which explains the toxic effects of methylene blue, malahat green and crystal violet dyes used in textiles, cosmetics and many other fields. The eighth chapter of the book includes the study titled "Mobile and Portable Hospitals", which examines mobile and portable hospitals to provide health services in special situations such as war, disaster or in regions where there is no access to hospitals. In the last section, a study titled "Current Developments in Radiotherapy Quality Control Methods" is included. It is our greatest wish that this book will be an important resource for all science readers doing scientific research in the field of health. It was aimed to prepare the book carefully within the time and resources available. We would like to express our gratitude to the publishing house and chapter authors who contributed to this edition.