A Handbook of Educational Research for Beginners
This book focuses on educational research for college students, teachers, and beginner educational researchers. It can guide researchers to get an overall understanding of what research is, what education research entails, and how teachers can design, implement, and evaluate a study to understand the effectiveness of an instructional strategy or improve student learning. It has an introductory level, easy to understand with plenty of examples. Teachers can find relevant materials to learn methods to guide their students by using different forms of research tools in data collection and analysis. Readers are exposed to craft research topics and research questions. Instructors can organize individual and group study programs for their students. The book suggests the readers to read published research articles to explore what has been done on educational research and draw links between the similarities between scientific research and educational research. It is great to cover different research designs to collect and analyze data and consider ethical considerations in research. A teacher or instructor can use this book to provide support and case studies to his/her students to get deeper insights into research and applications in real classroom settings. The book can support learners and teachers to see the continuity and coherence across the elements of educational research throughout the chapters. Readers can understand how to develop and refine a research proposal by the end of the book.
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