The Psychology of the Elderly in Disaster
Chapter from the book: Bilgili, N. & Bilgili, A. (eds.) 2024. Academic Research and Evaluations in Health Sciences.

Ali Emre Şevik
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University


This chapter explores the psychological impact of disasters on the elderly population, highlighting their vulnerability due to declining health and financial constraints. It highlights the role of social environment elements, such as informal network links and social capital, in mitigating or enhancing physiological vulnerabilities. The chapter emphasizes the need for comprehensive examination of seniors' psychological characteristics to inform policymakers, medical experts, and emergency responders. It highlights specific vulnerabilities of the elderly, such as cognitive impairments, chronic illnesses, and limited mobility, and advocates for tailored disaster preparedness and response strategies. The chapter also discusses the impact of age, cultural background, and past experiences on perceptions of risk among the elderly. It advocates for tailored interventions, community engagement initiatives, and mental health support to ensure effective disaster response and rehabilitation.

How to cite this book

Şevik, A. E. (2024). The Psychology of the Elderly in Disaster. In: Bilgili, N. & Bilgili, A. (eds.), Academic Research and Evaluations in Health Sciences. Özgür Publications. DOI:



March 27, 2024

