Nursing Care of a Patient Who Had a Chest Tube
Chapter from the book: Bilgili, N. & Bilgili, A. (eds.) 2024. Academic Research and Evaluations in Health Sciences.

Belgin Şen Atasayar
Ondokuz Mayıs University


Chest tube; It is the process of placing a tube in the thoracic cavity in order to prevent the accumulation of blood, fluid and air between the mediastinal or pleural cavities and to preserve hemodynamic stability and cardiopulmonary function in the post-surgical period. With the help of a chest tube, fluid, blood or air is evacuated under sterile conditions. The chest tube is a closed underwater drainage system and works with a negative pressure mechanism. As the volume of the chest cage contracts during expiration, excess fluid and/or air between the pleural membranes flows from the pleural area to the collection chamber of the chest tube. Responsibilities of the nurse in the care of the patient with a chest tube placed; Observing whether the closed drainage system is working, providing necessary training to improve the patient's respiratory functions, diagnosing and/or preventing possible complications at an early stage.

How to cite this book

Şen Atasayar, B. (2024). Nursing Care of a Patient Who Had a Chest Tube. In: Bilgili, N. & Bilgili, A. (eds.), Academic Research and Evaluations in Health Sciences. Özgür Publications. DOI:



March 27, 2024

