Is Urban Sustainability Possible?
Chapter from the book:
Hazards and Disaster Resilient Cities I.
Humans, who have created a life for themselves on the soil, have unfortunately not been able to establish a correct relationship with the soil and manage the connection between them from past to present. Humanity, which needs more raw materials as industry develops, more water and food as the population increases, and demands more as consumption habits increase, has brutally exploited its natural resources. This demand will put pressure on our remaining natural resources, fertile lands, and usable water shortly as it is now. Decreasing resources due to unconscious consumption is the most critical problem regarding the sustainability of all lives, including ecosystems and human life, and its adverse effects will affect developed and developing countries, acting independently of administrative borders. We are creating opportunities for the world for sustainability by acting together, producing global solutions, developing effective local practices, and taking precautions. For those of us who now mostly live and will continue to live in cities, creating urban sustainability for our living spaces is an essential step for the sustainability of life. Urban Sustainability: It is about preserving the functionality of urban components, sectors, and systems in the face of problems, as well as the protection of ecosystems within or adjacent to urban area borders. This article will touch on the topics related to urban sustainability, then discuss the urban sustainability of Istanbul along with the current problems and future global risks against the earthquake threat, and touch upon what needs to be done for Istanbul for urban sustainability.