Artificial Intelligence Applications in Educational Sciences and their Reflections onto the Field
Chapter from the book: Baltacı, Ö. (ed.) 2023. Educational Sciences Research- IV.

Mizgin Sevgi
Kastamonu University
Pınar Ayyıldız
Ankara Medipol University
Adem Yılmaz
Kastamonu University


Human beings carry the sense of curiosity and discovery from the first moment they are born. This sense of curiosity makes it possible for individuals to make discoveries, to produce and to seek innovations. It is a fact that technology is constantly changing and developing from past to present. One of these changes and developments is artificial intelligence, which we have been hearing about recently in a frequent fashion. Artificial intelligence is defined as computer software and systems that can analyze, synthesize, and evaluate by imitating human intelligence. In educational sciences, artificial intelligence offers plentiful opportunities viz. personalized education, instant feedback, diversity in learning materials and constant access to information. Through those opportunities, artificial intelligence assists in learners, teachers, and other stakeholders throughout the education process. The increase in the activities and applications of artificial intelligence from past to present has paved the way for the expansion and diversification of its usage area. In the current study, the reflections of artificial intelligence applications on educational sciences are scrutinized.

How to cite this book

Sevgi, M. & Ayyıldız, P. & Yılmaz, A. (2023). Artificial Intelligence Applications in Educational Sciences and their Reflections onto the Field. In: Baltacı, Ö. (ed.), Educational Sciences Research- IV. Özgür Publications. DOI:



June 25, 2023

