Change and New Search in Tourism
Tourism is a dynamic phenomenon that constantly changes and develops. It is seen that the issue of sustainability has increased its importance in recent times as an important trend that affects and directs the tourism sector both supply and demand oriented. Along with the irreversible damage caused by mass tourism to the environment, the formation of a conscious tourist consumer mass that prefers sustainable tourism types as a reaction to this has created a significant pressure on the sector in terms of turning to more sustainable tourism types. Today's tourists, who can be described as post-modern tourists, have ecological (environmental) travel awareness in which cultural and natural values are protected, and they plan their travels accordingly and participate in tourism activities. The most important source of changes in the tourism sector is the changes in people's touristic needs. Factors such as the development of technology, the increase in the level of welfare and the increase in the level of education have made tourists more conscious and pushed them to seek difference and innovation. Changing consumer preferences and demands contribute to the emergence of new tourism types and understandings. Change directly affects the tourism phenomenon and offers different perspectives. These perspectives are gaining popularity as a way of trying and sharing what is different. The main purpose of these book chapters is to provide diversity with examples from the world and Turkey by revealing new perspectives related to tourism based on this philosophy.