Orchestral Change in Turkish Folk Dance Music
Chapter from the book: Kaptan, M. (ed.) 2023. Current Topics and Research on Fine Arts.

Zeynel Turan
Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University


Dance is a symbol of cultural understanding with social and religious themes, including the meaning of celebration, entertainment, and religious ceremonies. In terms of these characteristics, traditional dance is not only a product of having a good time and entertainment, but also an important bridge between the past and the present, as well as the future, through the performance of tradition. As a result of the developments in the field of performing arts from past to present and the changing understanding of art, the staging of folk dances has taken its place in today's performing arts by showing a rapid change in the presentation of traditional dances to the audience from different cultures. The change has not only been limited to the staging of traditional dances but has also affected their music through musical applications and adaptations on an international scale without going beyond the national identity. To ensure the richness of sound in the face of the richness of staging in the plays, an inter-instrumental partition system was adopted over time.

With the idea that Turkish folk music, which is essentially based on a monophonic performance, is not harmonically satisfying to the ear and the existence of polyphonic foundations in it, collective playing, playing, and singing the same melody by bringing together different instruments, began to be applied to the performance of folk dances by amateur and professional music groups. This new style of music, called "Homophony", which was highly appreciated among instructors and dancers interested in folk dances, became popular quite quickly.

When the history of the collective compilation studies carried out in the field of Turkish folk dances is analyzed, folk dances and music have passed through many periods within a period of approximately 55 years until today and started to gain their current identity in the context of performing arts in the 2000s. Traditional dances, which have been performed with traditional folk instruments and traditional game order for the past years, have changed their form as performing arts with a number of artistic interventions as soon as they meet with the stage. Thanks to the transition to the multi-instrumental period in the musical sense and the subsequent performance of musical arrangements with orchestra within a certain score discipline, new formations and ensembles called "folk dance orchestra" emerged.

This study has tried to explain in a descriptive way what kind of artistic changes the orchestras performing traditional Turkish folk dance music has undergone in these periods, which are characterized as "Initial period, Transitional period and Thematic period".

How to cite this book

Turan, Z. (2023). Orchestral Change in Turkish Folk Dance Music. In: Kaptan, M. (ed.), Current Topics and Research on Fine Arts. Özgür Publications. DOI: https://doi.org/10.58830/ozgur.pub291.c1166



October 21, 2023

