Benefit-Cost Relationship of Probiotic Use in Livestock
Chapter from the book: Ölmez, M. (ed.) 2023. Therapeutic, Prophylactic, and Functional Use of Probiotics in Veterinary Sciences.

Mehmet Küçükoflaz
Kafkas University
Erol Aydın
Kafkas University


Nowadays, in animal nutrition, alternative feed additives are used to meet basic nutritional needs as well as to improve economic factors such as encouraging growth (feed utilization, live weight increase), milk yield, fertility and animal product quality. Alternative feed additives such as probiotics, prebiotics, plant extracts and enzymes are used. Probiotics have the effect of supporting growth, increasing productivity, and reducing disease and death rates in animal husbandry, enabling enterprises to reduce inputs and increase outputs. Therefore, for livestock enterprises to produce profitable and high-quality products, they need to choose products that will bring economical low cost and high income. Production made in this way will develop both enterprise economics and national economies.

How to cite this book

Küçükoflaz, M. & Aydın, E. (2023). Benefit-Cost Relationship of Probiotic Use in Livestock. In: Ölmez, M. (ed.), Therapeutic, Prophylactic, and Functional Use of Probiotics in Veterinary Sciences. Özgür Publications. DOI:



December 23, 2023

