Teacher’s Role in Enhancing Language Learner Autonomy
Chapter from the book: Baltacı, Ö. (ed.) 2023. Current Research in Education - V.

Nilüfer Aybirdi Tanrıverdi
Ordu University


Learner autonomy refers to students' ability to take responsibility for their own learning process, make informed decisions, and actively participate in the learning process. In contexts where teacher autonomy cannot be fully achieved and flexible education systems cannot be created, ensuring learner autonomy, which is associated with actions such as decision-making, taking responsibility, and freedom of choice, may not seem realistic and feasible, and this may be reflected in teachers' attitudes and practices. The promotion and implementation of learner autonomy largely depend on the way language teachers perceive this concept and the roles they play. This article touches upon the concept of learner autonomy and its importance in language education and provides an overview of the results of current research investigating the role of the teacher in enhancing and implementing language learner autonomy. In addition, based on the research findings, the article addresses teachers' attitudes, beliefs, current practices, and difficulties they face regarding the promotion of language learner autonomy.

How to cite this book

Aybirdi Tanrıverdi, N. (2023). Teacher’s Role in Enhancing Language Learner Autonomy. In: Baltacı, Ö. (ed.), Current Research in Education - V. Özgür Publications. DOI: https://doi.org/10.58830/ozgur.pub382.c1693



December 29, 2023

