Use of Herbal Galactogues During the Breastfeeding Period
Chapter from the book: Karakurt, P. & Fırat, M. (eds.) 2023. Health Sciences Research: Nursing & Midwifery- V.

Emine Kılıç Doğan
Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University
Yasemin Yücel
Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University


Breast milk is the most suitable and natural food that contains the energy, macro and micronutrients and bioactive components required for optimal nutrition and growth of the baby. In Greek, the word "galactagogue" means "substance that increases breast milk secretion". Many foods, plants and pharmaceutical agents have been used as galactagogues from past to present. Historically and in different environments around the world, women have resorted to many alternative approaches to increase milk production, such as following special diets and using herbal or natural substances. Mothers from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds often choose different approaches based on their traditions or experiences. Although there is insufficient evidence in the literature regarding the safety and effectiveness of galactagogues, they are frequently used by mothers and are frequently recommended by healthcare professionals worldwide. It is important for midwives who are in close contact with mothers to have information about herbal galactogogues. It is important for midwives to provide information and counseling to mothers about the correct use of herbal galactagogues. In this regard, protecting and improving maternal health will also contribute to breast milk production and the continuation of the newborn's breast milk intake.

How to cite this book

Kılıç Doğan, E. & Yücel, Y. (2023). Use of Herbal Galactogues During the Breastfeeding Period. In: Karakurt, P. & Fırat, M. (eds.), Health Sciences Research: Nursing & Midwifery- V. Özgür Publications. DOI:



December 29, 2023

