A General Evaluation on The Phenomenon of Migration and Migration Theories in The Historical Process
Chapter from the book:
Selected Articles in the Field of History- VI.
In this work, based on the forefront literature and the effort of scholars to grasp the nature and concept of migration since 19th century tried to be analysed for comprehend the theory of migration. It is a fact that the migration have been a fundamental act throughout the history for most of the organisms that can move. Thus it is known that the humankind migrated countles times because of the political, military and enviromental isuues. But the arguments on the migration concept has been a subject wich evolved in scientifical manner last couple of centuries on the points of perceptions, reasons and criterias of the migration. Thus its been thought that this work can contribute to the scientific understanding of the migration on the subject of early concept of migation via the examples.
The article divided in three sections. In the first section, the description of the migration tried to be clarified with the help of secondary sources. Which criterias have to be considered when ranking and sorting the migration types has been avaluated in the second chapter. The last section reserved for the concept of migration wich is the main purpose of the work.
It is known that as the industrial revolution took place, dense migration waves have started from rural areas to cities. Some scholars have developed some ideas to grasp this movement. In this ideas the bottomline was it has to be a definitive traces wich shaped by the cultural dna’s of the moving society. Based on the last theory the migration process analysed with the light of primary sources.