Rural Identity Protection Model in Cultural Landscape-Tourism Relations
Rural areas are important sources under the pressure of urbanization with their natural/physical and cultural characteristics. As urbanization continues rapidly, rural areas should be able to maintain their rurality characteristics and be able to exist in their rural-urban relation with their original rural landscape identities. These settlements and rural identity are under threat because of the changes made at the legal-administrative level, the lack of practices leading to immigration to the cities, and the pressures of local tourists fleeing from intense urbanization.
In this study; it is aimed to create a model to protect the threatened rural identity based on a settlement that has tourism potential and maintains its rural character. For this purpose; Nallıhan District-Beydili Quarter (formerly Village) of Ankara Province has been selected as study area. Nallıhan District has preserved its cultural structure with its original rural identity and is a place rich in terms of tourism potential. Furthermore, Beydili Quarter, which is 40 km. away from the District center, has distinguished itself from other quarters due to its natural/physical and cultural values, as well as its tourism facilities and its adherence to traditional cultures.
In this context, it is aimed to reveal the cultural structure, problems and existing tourism potential of Beydili Quarter by analyzing the natural and cultural landscape components. Studies have been carried out on existing tourism potential of the area by establishing a rural landscape identity relationship with these components in order to ensure sustainability in rural areas.
In this line, the study has been carried out in 4 phases in general: data collection, analysis, determination of sustainability indicators and sub-criteria, and evaluation and results. Firstly, cultural landscape components have been grouped. Field analysis have been conducted with literature, field survey, questionnaire, Rapid Rural Appraisal and Mind Map Evaluation studies. According to the existing tourism potential in the area, determining the types of tourism, area have been conducted through Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis. Sustainability indicators and sub-criteria were determined and have been scored by 3 main dimensions. Accordingly, calculations have been made. Indicators and sub-criteria have been scored primarily according to the current status of the Beydili Quarter. Later, tourism types that are determined according to the tourism potential of the area – gastronomic tourism, cultural tourism, nature tourism, highland tourism and religious tourism – have been scored by experts accordingly.
When the current status of the field is evaluated, the indicators and sub-criteria are scored as 1 (exists) and 0 (non-exists). Depending on the scoring of the experts' scores, each type of tourism has been calculated separately and the highest score is highland tourism (39 points). The fact that the total scores are close to each other proved that the diversity of the tourism potential in the area should be utilized.
As a result; suggestions have been made for all types of tourism in order to support the practices for highland tourism in studies on providing the sustainability of rural landscape identity in the field. As a result of all study, in accordance with the "Symbolic Model" from the model classification, "Rural Identity Protection Model" which includes the phases of the study and the link between these phases has been set. It should not be forgotten that the plan decisions to be made should be based on consideration of natural and cultural values together and should be carried out on the basis of cultural protection. Rural Identity Protection Model that is set with this study is thought to contribute to the sustainability and development of rural areas if they are considered in the studies to be done in similar areas.