May Diabetes Mellitus Cause Male Infertility?
Chapter from the book: Çiçek, H. (ed.) 2023. Health Science Research: Basic Medicine.

Ayşegül Hanikoğlu
Istanbul Health and Technology University
Şinasi Bayram
Istanbul Health and Technology University
Elif Delen
Istanbul Health and Technology University


Diabetes mellitus (DM), generally known as diabetes, is a chronic, metabolic disease that develops when the insulin hormone is insufficient or the cells cannot use the produced insulin sufficiently. And the relationship between this disease and oxidative stress has been studied for a long time. known to impair function. Increased ROS production or decreased activity of endogenous antioxidants induce β-cell dysfunctions and insulin resistance. In physiological conditions, ROS induce sperm motility, volume, acrosome formation and egg-sperm association, while pathologically produced ROS in pathological conditions such as diabetes cause inflammation, DNA damage, mitochondrial dysfunction and its consequences. result in apoptosis.

How to cite this book

Hanikoğlu, A. & Bayram, Ş. & Delen, E. (2023). May Diabetes Mellitus Cause Male Infertility?. In: Çiçek, H. (ed.), Health Science Research: Basic Medicine. Özgür Publications. DOI:



March 24, 2023

