Advances in Engineering and Environmental Sciences

Raul D. S. G. Campilho (ed)
Erkan Tur (ed)
Middle East Technical University


In the ever-evolving landscape of science and technology, the fields of engineering and environmental sciences have emerged as the vanguards of innovation and sustainability. These domains intersect and intertwine, shaping the future of our world. This book is a testament to the pursuit of knowledge and progress in these crucial areas. A diverse array of topics is proposed that not only reflect the current state of these disciplines but also illuminate the path ahead. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of the developments in engineering and environmental sciences, offering a valuable resource for scholars, researchers, and practitioners. The chapters contained within this book span a wide spectrum of subjects, each contributing a unique facet to the ever-expanding mosaic of knowledge.

The opening chapters delve into the world of advanced materials and innovative engineering practices. Self-healing composites, with their transformative ability to repair structural damage autonomously, promise to revolutionize industries ranging from aerospace to construction. Lattice structures and FDM printed parts explore the intricate balance between design and function, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in manufacturing and construction. The next contributions traverse the frontier of biotechnology and its applications. Nanobiotechnology takes us into the realm of the infinitesimally small, where nanomaterials and techniques hold immense potential for fields such as medicine, energy, and environmental remediation. Biomaterials open doors to the development of biocompatible materials, spurring advancements in healthcare and regenerative medicine. Microbial safety underscores the importance of understanding and managing microorganisms in various environmental contexts. Other chapters explore the broader systems and environmental aspects of engineering. Server queueing models provide insights into optimizing digital infrastructures, crucial in an increasingly interconnected world. Climate-smart agriculture offers solutions to feed a growing global population while mitigating the impacts of climate change. Deep learning architectures, inspired by the human brain, unlock new horizons in artificial intelligence and data analysis.

Thank you for joining us on this exciting expedition into the fields of engineering, science, and the environment. The voyage ahead is filled with challenges, but it is also packed with limitless possibilities and discoveries waiting to be made.

Prof. Raul D.S.G. CAMPILHO

Kaynakça Gösterimi

Campilho, R. D. S. G. & Tur, E. (eds.) (2023). Advances in Engineering and Environmental Sciences. Özgür Yayınları. DOI:


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Yayın Tarihi

15 October 2023

