Health Management Theoretical Studies in the Light of Current Developments

İbrahim Bozkurt (ed)
Kilis 7 Aralık University


Health, which is one of the most fundamental rights of people, conceptually refers to a state of complete physical, psychological, and social well-being.From the early ages to the present day, all the changes and developments in the world, both positive and negative, have affected people's life and health in different strengths and degrees. While in the early days, people tried to cope with a very small number of factors in order to be and stay healthy, today many factors have emerged that determine and affect people's health status. In this age we live in, it is important to prevent or minimize the negative effects of the factors that emerge with the changes and current developments in every field at an inconceivable speed and in every field, and to manage the factors that have positive effects in a correct way in order to spread, develop and benefit more by people. Today, planning, organizing, directing, controlling, and coordinating the resources and processes needed for the services to be provided by taking into account all factors and elements in order to successfully protect and improve the health level of the individual and society requires a professional and scientific approach and perspective. In this book, some topics related to health and health services are analyzed in chapters from the perspective of health management. The chapters of the book consist of "health management and human capital relationship, digital transformation in health services, internet of things in health services, swot analysis in health institutions, budgeting, and capital budgeting in health enterprises, medical documentation in health institutions, school health, nutrition recommendations during the Covid-19 outbreak from a health management perspective, environmental health and medical waste management".

How to cite this book

Bozkurt, İ. (ed.) (2023). Health Management Theoretical Studies in the Light of Current Developments. Özgür Publications. DOI:



March 28, 2023

